Loggest thine Stuff
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

56 lines
1.8 KiB

<script lang="ts" context="module">
import type { Load } from "@sveltejs/kit/types/internal";
import { sl3 } from "$lib/clients/sl3";
import type { ProjectEntry } from "$lib/models/project";
export const load: Load = async({ fetch, params, stuff }) => {
const scopeId = parseInt(params.scope.split("-")[0]);
const client = sl3(fetch, stuff.idToken);
const [scope, projects] = await Promise.all([
return {
props: { projects, scope },
<script lang="ts">
import {page} from "$app/stores"
import Columns from "$lib/components/layout/Columns.svelte";
import Column from "$lib/components/layout/Column.svelte";
import ScopeContext from "$lib/components/contexts/ScopeContext.svelte";
import type Scope from "$lib/models/scope";
import ProjectMenu from "$lib/components/scope/ProjectMenu.svelte";
import ProjectListContext from "$lib/components/contexts/ProjectListContext.svelte";
import ScopeMenu from "$lib/components/scope/ScopeMenu.svelte";
import { scopePrettyId } from "$lib/utils/prettyIds";
import ScopeHeader from "$lib/components/scope/ScopeHeader.svelte";
export let scope: Scope;
export let projects: ProjectEntry[];
let hideMobile: boolean;
$: hideMobile = $page.url.pathname !== `/${scopePrettyId(scope)}`
<svelte:head><title>{scope.abbreviation}: {$page.stuff.title} – Stufflog 3</title></svelte:head>
<ScopeContext scope={scope}>
<ProjectListContext projects={projects}>
<Columns wide>
<Column hideMobile={hideMobile} >
<ScopeHeader />
<ScopeMenu />
<ProjectMenu />
<Column span={4}>